Spiritual Guidance
As an academic community, we strive to identify, encourage and develop our students’ talents
Those talents are a gift that is to be shared with the world for the good of others.
We foster the self-esteem and confidence that students will need to confront the challenges of an ever-changing world.
Religious instruction represents one vital component of the spiritual formation program at St. Mary's - St. Alphonsus Regional Catholic School. All students participate in theology instruction of the Catholic faith and engage in Global Awareness Studies. In our increasingly interconnected world, teaching children to navigate and embrace cultural differences, prepares them for academic, professional and social success.
Opportunities for self-reflection, worship and prayer:
- Each day: All School Prayer
- Once a Week:
- Mass Service and Sacrament of the Eucharist at St. Mary’s Church
- Eucharistic Adoration in the school’s chapel.
- During the seasons of Advent and Lent Sacrament of Reconciliation is offered
We believe that we are called to serve our brothers and sisters, especially the poor and vulnerable.
All students at SMSA participate in projects designed to alleviate suffering.
- Students donate food items each week to stock the shelves of St. Mary’s Food Pantry
- Create valentines for shut-ins
- Donate used winter clothing to local service agencies