From Principal Patty Balmer's Desk

As Principal of St. Mary's - St. Alphonsus Regional Catholic School, Mrs. Patty Balmer, says that she is blessed to have been appointed principal of the school. Her vision is to continue to move the school forward in a positive direction while staying true to the mission of the school which states, "In a joyful, Catholic Atmosphere, we will provide students with the ingredients for success: Powerful Minds, Prayerful Hearts and Helping Hands."

Mrs. Balmer has been an educator for over 29 years and states that the students, teachers, staff and parents of SMSA are some of the most dedicated people she has had the pleasure of working with, Balmer has worked in both public and private schools. Recently, she was interim principal at St. Mary's Institute in Amsterdam, NY. Prior to that she was principal of St. Augustine's School in Troy, NY. Mrs. Balmer began her administrative career at The Bet Shraga Hebrew Academy in Albany, NY.

Mrs. Balmer in concert with her faculty, parents and staff have created an ambitious vision for this year and the future which includes:

  • Green House Garden Project which includes an applied grant for:
    • "Where Does Our Food Come From: Plant, Cultivate, Harvest & Enjoy!" 
    • Solar Panels
    • Composting and Rain Water Barrels
  • Continuing professional development with focus on "Discipline with Dignity" 
  • Summer enrichment program
  • Emphasis on world languages, music and studio arts
  • Handicap accessible building
  • Increased partnerships with our supporting parishes
  • Enrollment increase of 20%

Mrs. Balmer states that, "Together all things are possible." With our powerful minds, prayerful hearts and helping hands we will meet our ambitious goals!